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About this line

Sudden changes in temperature, humidity, rain, sun and snow lead to a harmful environment inside the containers and problems with humidity. Moisture causes damage to products being transported, such as:

  • Corrosion of metal parts;
  • Food becoming unfit for consumption;
  • Mold and stains;
  • Rain inside the container;
  • Wet and damaged packaging;
  • Unsatisfied customers;
  • Great losses;

Ascend Global has the right container desiccant for your need.

ABSORPOLE - Rigid Container Desiccant

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORPOLE - Rigid Container Desiccant
  • Extra hard duty container desiccant;
  • 100% Calcium Chloride;
  • Contains a moisture collecting reservoir that prevents leaks and does not allow re-evaporation;
  • Made of a very thick and hard plastic shell that provides high impact resistance to the cargo during stuffing, travelling and unloading;
  • Absorpole Absorbs up to 1 liter of moisture per unit;
  • Can be used in any type of cargo.
  • Container Desiccant Absorpole approved by many multinational companies.
Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORPOLE - Rigid Container Desiccant - Parte azul: depósito de água.

Parte azul: depósito de água.

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORPOLE - Rigid Container Desiccant - Parte Cinza perfurada para absorção

Parte Cinza perfurada para absorção

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORPOLE - Rigid Container Desiccant - Detalhe do módulo de absorção.

Detalhe do módulo de absorção.

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORPOLE - Rigid Container Desiccant - Robustez no engate.

Robustez no engate.

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORPOLE - Rigid Container Desiccant - Robustez no engate.

Robustez no engate.

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORPOLE - Rigid Container Desiccant - Posicionamento do produto no contêiner.

Posicionamento do produto no contêiner.

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORPOLE - Rigid Container Desiccant - Catalogo Absorpole

Catalogo Absorpole

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORPOLE - Rigid Container Desiccant - Video Como Instalar o Absorpole no Container

Video Como Instalar o Absorpole no Container


Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORGEL BAG

Container desiccant. Composite of calcium chloride and starches that transforms moisture into gel.

  • Longer length allows faster absorption rate;
  • Layers of bagged Tyvek and polyethylene increase impact resistance, preventing leaks and reducing re-evaporation;
  • Easy installation, removal and disposal;
  • Up to 225% absorption or 2.2 liters of moisture per unit.;
  • Can be used in any type of cargo.
Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORGEL BAG - Bolsa de gel.

Bolsa de gel.

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORGEL BAG - Detalhe dos furos de absorção.

Detalhe dos furos de absorção.

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORGEL BAG - Adesivo traseiro para um melhor posicionamento.

Adesivo traseiro para um melhor posicionamento.

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORGEL BAG - Evite Caixa de Papelão Molhada

Evite Caixa de Papelão Molhada

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORGEL BAG - Evite Sacaria Manchada

Evite Sacaria Manchada

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORGEL BAG - Evite o Pallet Mofado

Evite o Pallet Mofado

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORGEL BAG - Chuva no Container molha sua carga.

Chuva no Container molha sua carga.

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORGEL BAG - Evite Chuva no Container

Evite Chuva no Container

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORGEL BAG - Evite FerrugemCorrosão

Evite FerrugemCorrosão

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - ABSORGEL BAG - Catálogo AbsorgelBag

Catálogo AbsorgelBag


Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - BLANKET
  • This blanket or cover model should be placed over the cargo;
  • Its format does not occupy space in the container;
  • Large surface area allows high absorption rate;
  • Double-sided tapes with adhesive on the back prevent the blanket from sliding;
  • Above 290% absorption - equivalent to 3.8 liters of moisture per unit.
  • The blanket has a thick plastic layer on the bottom to prevent the calcium chloride from having direct contact with the cargo, so, it is safe for any type of cargo.
  • This container desiccant is placed near the roof, where the hot and umid air is concentrated.
Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - BLANKET - Mantas aplicadas a contêiner.

Mantas aplicadas a contêiner.

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - BLANKET - Catálogo Blanket

Catálogo Blanket

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - BLANKET - Blanket sendo Instalado

Blanket sendo Instalado

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - BLANKET - Blanket sobre as caixas dentro do container

Blanket sobre as caixas dentro do container

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - BLANKET - Blanket sobre as caixas dentro do container

Blanket sobre as caixas dentro do container


Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - SACHETS AND BAGS


  • Weight: 1 gram to 2 kg.
  • 2 versions: 100% Clay MT with absorbance close to 60% and 90% Clay + 10% Calcium Chloride MD with absorption close to 100% (do not use MD in direct contact with metals or electronics as the chloride may cause corrosion).
  • Made of Tyvek or non-woven material, protects against mold, oxidation and other damages caused by moisture.
  • Non-toxic, non-corrosive, 100% biodegradable, cost-effective, low energy consumption for production, more environmentally friendly than silica gel. Meets DIN and MIL-D-3464E Standards;
  • Applications: electronics, machinery, steel tubes, metal parts, fresh or processed food, leather, raw materials or finished products; palletised, bagged, big bags, bulk, or even in conjunction with VCI plastic.
Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - SACHETS AND BAGS - Sachês de vários tamanhos

Sachês de vários tamanhos

Desiccants For Containers And Clay Bags - SACHETS AND BAGS - Catálogo dos Sachês

Catálogo dos Sachês

Additional Information

Advantages of our Container Desiccants

  • Up to 350% absorption;
  • Strips, blankets or bags;
  • We use calcium chloride to reach up to 350% moisture absorption, more than any other desiccant is able to absorb today;
  • We offer desiccants in several shapes, sizes and absorption rates according to the cargo arrangement within the container;
  • Easy and quick installation, removal and disposal;


News related to this product category:

How to Install Absorpole

How to Install Absorpole